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Red Hot Circle Skirt

Valentine's day is coming soon.  Time for us ladies to turn up the sexy and the fellas to turn up the compliments and kind gestures.  Growing up, Valentine's Day was a big deal.  My mom always bought me a cute dress.  She knew the way to this girl's heart.  I have such great memories of her.  Today's her birthday so I'm really remembering all those good times with her today.

OK OK OK If I don't move on, I'm going to become a water head.  That doesn't make a very fun blog post. So, here we go.

I've had some really cool red pleather fabric I got from Hancock for a while.  I have been thinking and thinking and thinking (that's a lot of thinking) about what I can make.  Initially, I thought a dress.  Then, I thought some really sexy pants.  Then, a few nights ago, I thought circle skirt.  I fallen in love with them.  They are sexy and flirty without being slutty.  I just love how fun they are.

I set out to make the perfect circle skirt.  I needed guidance.  Where did I go?  You know it.  I went to YouTube.  I found many tutorials but one stood out as simple and to the point.  Shout out to m4keshiftmichelle for the great tutorial.

I followed her tutorial but added about 3 inches to the skirt.  I have a nice sized butt and I didn't want it hanging out.  Here's the finished skirt:
Red Hot Circle Skirt
I wore it to a funeral this past weekend.  Everyone was so busy.  I didn't get to take a pic of me wearing it.  I got lots of compliments though.  Everyone was shocked I made it.  My niece and little cousin have put in requests for their own.

I've been making a lot this month.  Hopefully, by the end of the month I will be able to post a February wrap up post.

Here's a little food for thought:
Make good memories.
One day, they will be all you have.



What's Hot Here?

NL 6519: I Knew It From the Start

Hey Loves! I'm back.  It's been a minute!  I've been busy! But, I took a quick break to make something for me. Top & Headband: By Me (New Look A6519; Cotton from Wal-Mart); Jeans: Target  (Similar); Shoes: JustFab  (Reeta) I saw the cutest yellow and black polka dot fabric in Wal-Mart on clearance (2 yards for $1.87).  When I saw it, I immediately thought about New Look A6519.  It's just one of those patterns I pick up often and put it back because the fabric isn't quite right.  Well, this was the one. I got home and printed one of the croquis from Golden Rippy .  I took a few minutes to sketch it out.  I enjoyed it so much! After sketching, I knew jeans would be perfect. Each time I try a new pattern, I have to read the directions thoroughly...usually 2 or 3 times before I start.  After reading the directions, I got to work.  The directions were so straight to the point and easy to follow.  I decided this pattern was perfect for practicing French

Let's Mix It Up

Hey Loves! It's been a while! A long time! Life has been so busy. I always enjoy the challenge of making myself something a little different for an event. As I made plans to attend the UNCF Birmingham Mayor's Masked Ball, I decided I'd make my dress. It's a combination of a new pattern and a tried and true pattern. I think it turned out well.  I visited JoAnna's for a little inspiration because I didn't have time to wait for items to ship and Simplicity patterns were $0.99. I saw Mimi G's Simplicity 9370. The cut out spoke to me. I decided that the right fabric could make it dressy enough for the event. I found this beautiful fabric in the athletic section in JoAnn. I walked past it 3 times and kept coming back, so I bought it. It was also 20% off.  I made a muslin of S9370 and decided I didn't like the neckline for a formal. So, with very limited time (3 days before the event), I decided to try to incorporate the cut


Hey Loves! I'm super excited about this post!  Over the years that I've sewn there have been two young ladies that always tapped into my creativity with really fun formal designs.  This young lady has chosen beautiful fabrics for her formals. Here are two designs I've created for her: She's gorgeous! Her fabric choices are beautiful! I'm always excited to talk to her and her mom about her ideas. Although I really wasn't sewing this year, when her mom contacted me, I said yes. Of course I did! They are family! I was super excited about the inspiration. Look at this video. It'll inspire you too. Then, they brought the fabric and my heart smiled! 😍 The bodice of the coat is an adaptation of New Look 6481. I cut the front of view D at the waist. I extended and curved the back edge.  The bottom of the jacket is a full circle skirt. I used the skirt pattern in the Iris Ensemble from Mood Fabrics . I added a few inc