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Showing posts from June, 2013

Dinomite (A Baby Bib So Easy I Did It)

I've been making little items for my little guy.  He's scheduled to arrive in 2-3 weeks!  So, it's crunch time!  I've been working on bibs for my little guy.  I've tried a few different tutorials, but being a true novice to sewing, I've struggled with finding one that I can actually make look cute.  I finally found one that was simple enough for me with some modification.  It's not professional quality but it is definitely functional and made with love! Here's my third attempt at a baby bib. If I can do it, I'm sure you can. Items needed: Pattern ( Sew4Home ) Pins Ribbon Scissors  Sewing Machine Fabric (two pieces of fabric measuring 14" x 14") Steps: With both pieces right sides facing, fold in half.  Align the pattern foldline and the fold.  Then, pin the pattern to the fabric. Cut around the fabric. Unpin and unfold the fabric.   Pin both pieces together right sides facing.  Leave openings at the bottom (for turnin

A Robe Fit for the Queen

I've been out looking for a robe and gown for my hospital bag.  I found a few I liked but the price didn't fit into my gown & robe budget.  So, I decided to jump out there and make one for myself.  I found a tutorial that seemed pretty easy on  ToBeContinued: Ladies Kimono Robe- A Tutorial! .  Thursday, hubby and I stopped by Hancock Fabric to get more fabric for slipcovers for the glider (post coming soon).  I found a value fabric for $4.95/yard that we both thought was pretty cute.  I bought 3 yards instead of 2.5 yards like the tutorial suggested.   I was nervous I would mess something up. I did not follow all the steps of the tutorial but I used it for a guide. Here's how I made my robe: Cut the fabric a length of 74". Fold the fabric in half length wise. Then, pin the edges. Find the center (the fold from the fabric being on bolt may still be there). Fold the fabric in half again.  Measure 11" from the folded edge. Then, measure 16&quo